Wednesday, June 27, 2012

CEDA Building: Analysis


The architect has designed the building for the purpose of the research training and consultancy services. The architect has designed the building according to the surrounding built enveronment. He has also provided the lighning system basically from the roof top.Where as the other lightening system is provided through the side walls. Even with all these effort of providing the proper light there are some places with the insufficient light like in the circular staircase provided behing the inclined roof building.Thought the lihgt is channedled to the staircase though the circular structure opening on the roof top, ther is no proper and suffidien distributation of the light in  the staircase. Beside these problems, there is the insuffidient maintenace of the detorinating sturctural components.

There is no use of the sound insulating material at the building. In the auditorium hall also we found no use of insulating material and sound absorbing material. The auditorium hall is in fan shape, which is proper shape for the hall.

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