Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lighting system of CEDA Building

Lighting system

lighting system for this building is provided in two ways:

Natural lighting system

The main entrance of the building is in the direction of East while the main lighting provided for the slanghted roof building is provided form the north and the up towards the sky.

The upper portion of the slanghted roof building is built in the symmetic system the two building side is divided into equal part by the corridors provided in the middle of the building.
The natual light on the building are provided through different type of opening (window, tops light windows). There is least opening on the side wall of the building. From staircase diffused lights are driven to the corridors and rooms, where the top lighting system is difficult to provide. The administrative building is built in the land full of level difference and each level is provided direct light from east direction above the door level. the stair provided in the north side have very unique style of lighting thought is has not been designed for proper distribution of the lighting on the whole staircase. It have been proveded with the chimney stack like structure at the centre of the circular stai and the as if the circular pipe is cut at the portion and used to porvides the diffuse rather than the direct light. At some place the direct light are also provided with the help of vertical and small width windows

In auditorium hall, the natural light enters form in front of the stage, where there are no other openings on the side wall. The size of the opening is large.

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