Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Introduction to Architecture

Architecture is the simple form can be defined as the Art (because it has to look beautiful) and Science (because it has to take the load and transfer to the ground) of building. It is the three dimensional visual form of Building Art.

Architect is the person who creates this mystic art and the environment as well to live. Architect is termed as a poet or and artist.

The word “architecture” comes from the Latin architura and that from Greek (architectu), which means “master builder”.

Vitruvius (a Roman writer, architect and engineer), the 1st century Roman Writer in his De Architecture Libri Decem (ten Books on Architecture) has stated the 1st principles and requirement of design: Utilitias, Firmitas, Venustas.

Building should have practical function i.e. Convenient. (Utilitas)
Building should be structurally sound i.e. durable. (Frimitas)
Building should be aesthetic i.e. Beautiful. (Venustas)

Bases for development of Architecture

Histroy shows that following are the bases for the development of Architecture.
  1. fear
  2. love
  3. death
  4. hope

terms used in Architecture
  1. Aesthetics
  2. Form
  3. Function
  4. Space
  5. Space Art
  6. Symbol
  7. Context

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